Monday, April 25, 2005

Thinking about Mixed Reality...

Newer paradigms in interaction between real and virtual worlds has lead to the concept of mixed reality in the near future. Already there are many mobile games in this domain. I was imaginaing a few scenarios and thought i useful it would be if
- if you need to find your way to a certain destination in a busy crowded city where you just hate to stand at one of the crossroads in the labyrinth and figure things out for yourself. Instead, if you have a camera phone, then dial a number for request for service to locate a destination in a city. Answer a few questions to confirm the place you are looking for... wait for the database connectivity and information retrieval... gottcha! Now follow the direction. Point the camera in any direction...the information about the users current postion and the orientation on the camera goes to the database that maps it onto a map and finds out the displacement from the destination, looks for optimal path to detination...shows the information to the user on the screen as arrows poiting in certain direction. Alternate paths could be followed here. User moves in the most convinient direction and reaches destination.

You know wat the marketing buggers can do?..They can get the user profile and take them in the direction of their product. As the user moves in front of the showroom he is given information on the latest schemes that they have to offer to the concerned user profile. SO wat do you day, you pay extra for spam free ride to destination in minimum time.

Hey these technologies can also be useful in cases of accidents where the ambulance can find the optimal paths to the injured person. Can also look at the severity of the wound and decide for treatment required. Can also inform the specialist doctor in advance so that when the patient reaches the hospital things are prepared for him.

Hey wat if you combine it with Google's search engine and use it to locate things around. Type the thing that you are looking for. Rotate camera across room, see the an arrow pointing to the object/s searched for you. Not the thing that you looking for..refine search or select from a category that google has guessed that you might be looking for in the room. Cool life! can afford to have an untidy room them. Thanks to technology! ;)

Friday, April 22, 2005

Evolving Network Services - Singularity

We have the core facet of singularity where the Internet will evolve as a singular computing environment. It will benefit adaptable enterprises and small modular project teams ditributed across the globe having the need to act anytime anywhere based on dynamically changing market and business needs.


Therefore, Imagine a scenario where you have set the way you like your coffee to be made. You certain amount of caffiene and sugar and you wouldn't like to change it because you are a patient of diabetes. So you are chatting with an employee in office and in midst of an interesting discussion, you press on the coffee button on the vending machine... the machine identifies you by your fingerprints, authenticate you and get your preferences from a central server and gives you your coffee. Wherever you are whatever you do, you get your own thing, the way you like!!

Its like every machine you log-in to your get u'r desktop and your "my documents"...
How'd that sound?! i dunno personally. Sometimes I have fun exploring someone else's desktop.. i don't need to see myself everywhere unless i am busy and have very improtant work to do. No headache of transferring files through mails anymore..phew!

There's another one, this one's more familiar.. changes in your contact information at one place, consistently reflects it across platforms/devices so that you don't need to the needful a 100 times at all places that you can possibly think off.

Network services also aim to enhance a players experience through multiplayer across networks/platforms/devices. They also intend to mix domains of game and marketing craeting unique oppurtunites for brand and loyalty development.

It will also benefit all music lovers who can listen to any music they like.
Hmmmmmn! that's SOUNDS interesting to me!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Crusha Cows Interactive Campaign


"Crusha" is a milkshake mised brand with a campaign centered on new interactive TV and online game concept. The game not only extends the branding experience but also its effectiveness is directly proportional to the sales of the product.

"Crusha Cows" game will be accessible through interactive TV ad which will link the user directly from the ad to the start of the game. Photographic images of the characters of the game exactly match the look and feel of the TV ad, thereby enhancing the brand experience. It introduces the first ever cheat code element that the user will have to enter o improve the chances of getting a score to enter a competition. The cheat code is available when the user enters the last four digits of the bar code of the bottles. The players ar also encouraged to enter the code via SMS. The web game is available at

Link to article:""