Friday, July 11, 2008

Play video games to improve graphics skills

Report from Cognitive Daily claims that playing video games improve one's visiospacial skills. Playing games gradually enhances this skill which is claimed to be lower in females as compared to males. Improved visiospacial not only let's you play games better but also increases your math and graphics abilities. (psst..psst...all the usability people who secretly wish they were good at graphics can play video games for starters :D)
Read complete article

Friday, July 4, 2008

First Eco-friendly Night Club

Britain's first eco-nightclub, set to open in King's Cross, will require the patrons to dance on a modified dance floor that will harness the energy expelled by the clubber's moves and convert it to electricity

"There is no greater platform than clubbing to reach out to young people. Having an energy-generating dancefloor is a very exciting and interesting-idea that we have been talking to people in Rotterdam about. Such a dancefloor could generate about 60 per cent of the building's energy." Read Complete Article

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

HCI in Movies

The movies HCI is the best HCI i find... its full of imagination, extremely intuitive, yet focussed and following a common language. But then fiction is always better.
Here's a nice article on the history of HCI in movies.