Please complete the exercise and add your valuable inputs to the design of banking sites. As part of this exercise, you have tell the suitable location of the following objects in the grid below. The grid is for saving account online. You see this screen first thing when you log into your account. The objects are -
1. Account Balance
2. My Recent Transactions
3. Reward Points Accumulated
4. Pending Transactions
5. New Offers and Schemes
6. Link to other related accounts
7. Ads
8. Local Navigation
The Grid -

Please write the location numbers again each item in the comments section of this entry.
Thanks for your help and time! :)
5. Account Balance
8. My Recent Transactions
6. Reward Points Accumulated
7. Pending Transactions
4. New Offers and Schemes
3. Link to other related accounts
2. Ads
10,11,12. Local Navigation
5. Account Balance
8. My Recent Transactions
6. Pending Transactions
7. Reward Points Accumulated
4. Link to other related accounts
3. New Offers and Schemes
10,11,12. Local Navigation
2. Ads
5. Account Balance
8. My Recent Transactions
I dont need the rest :)
I think its in the below given order
5. Account Balance
6. Pending Transactions
8. My Recent Transactions
7. Reward Points Accumulated
4. Link to other related accounts
3. New Offers and Schemes
10,11,12. Local Navigation
2. Ads
cant see the exercise and comment at the same this a usability problem?
4. Links to other related accounts
8. Pending transactions
6. Reward points accumulated
2. Ads
9. New offers and schemes
7. Recent transactions
5. Account balance
10, 11, and 12. Local Navigation
1. Account Balance
4. Reward Points Accumulated
7, 9. Ads
2. Pending Transactions
5. My Recent Transactions
8. New Offers and Schemes
3, 6. Link to other related accounts
10, 11, 12. Local Navigation
Interesting exercise! Though had half a mind to mail you the answer since I had to write it in a notepad. But Megs would freeze me for a missed comment!)
5.Account Balance
8.My Recent Transactions
6. Reward Points Accumulated
7. Pending Transactions
4. New Offers and Schemes
3. Link to other related accounts
11,10,12. Ads
1,2. Local Navigation
5. Account Balance
8. My Recent Transactions
8. Pending Transactions
3. Reward Points Accumulated
9. New Offers and Schemes
6. Link to other related accounts
7. Local Navigation
2,10,12. Ads
5. Account Balance
8. My recent trasactions
8. Pending transactions
9. New offers and schemes
6. Reward points accumulated
2. Ads
7. Local Navigation
1. Logo
3. Signout / User info
3- account balance
1-reward points accumulated
2-my recent transactions
5-pending transactions
6-link to other related transactions
4-New offers and schemes
8-local navigation
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